Primavera, time of rebirth, and a good time to learn!

Vamos a comenzar la Primavera con una canción:
PRIMAVERA, por Carlos Santana

Con la letra para cantar y un video hermoso y divertido:

Y luego, cuando estés listo, puedes inscribirte en una clase de español: 
And then, when you are ready, you may register for a Spanish class: 

HOW TO REGISTER: After you select your classes from the catalog, which can be downloaded as pdf above or as a magazine by clicking here and viewed on your computer, 

FIRST STEP, Click on: 

SECOND STEP, click on REGISTER at top right

THIRD STEP, click on on SIGN IN on the left


FIFTH STEP, find the class you wish to register for

SAVE TO YOUR SHOPPING CART which then functions like any online shopping cart. Pay and receive a receipt.

Below are the three classes I'm offering in Spring. If you click on them, they will take you to the SING IN (or 3rd step above). There is no way of linking straight to the class you select. If you run into any problems, please email me at

NOTE: I am subbing for the Level 4 Tuesday class, so in the Fall it will return to its original instructor. These two Level 4 classes are not at the same level. Our levels include several chapters from Dos Mundos en Breve so while the Tuesday class is going to be doing Capitulo 6, the Wednedsday class will be working on Capitulo 4.